Would you recognize your family on the street?

Last year New York City Rescue Mission launched a powerful campaign with the hope of raising our awareness of homelessness. However, the goal wasn't to increase a general sense of the plight of the population living on the street, but to make people stop and pay attention to THE INDIVIDUALS who are in our paths.

The campaign told a familiar story, but they added a twist by heightening our empathy.

The question they ask is powerful: "Have the homeless become so invisible we wouldn't recognize our own family members living on the street?"

They discovered the answer with volunteers, hidden cameras, and a family member plant.  The short film is compelling and will help you stay mindful of the needs of others.

Check out the video.  Things are about to get "a lot more real than you expect."

Have the Homeless Become Invisible? Será que os moradores de rua se tornaram invisíveis? Legendado em Português Nesse experimento social, pessoas passam por seus familiares sem saber que eles se passavam por moradores de rua. Será que eles serão reconhecidos ou os moradores de rua se tornam invisíveis?

When you watch this, doesn't it make you wonder what you're missing?