Three Steps To Reaching Your Goals

I collect wisdom wherever I find it. And I mean wherever.

I love bumper stickers and think “sandwich boards” in front of restaurants deserve a closer look. I love twitter quips and instagram quotes, but mostly I love to learn from my kids.

Last year my son was asked to set a learning goal and then break down the steps needed to achieve the goal.

I took this picture of how he planned to reach his objective:


Whoa. Wisdom indeed!

While you can certainly break down any task into smaller increments, you really only need these three things for goal setting (and I quote):

1. Practice

The foundation for conquering any task is doing the work. Dreams aren’t enough. Ideas alone can’t alter reality; you have to do the work.

2. Think really hard

If you want to change the world (or even YOUR world), you need to apply your brain. Think about what you're doing, why you’re doing it and how you can do it differently than others. As Dr. Seuss says, “you have brains in your head,” so use them!

3. To think I can do it

Confidence is always the secret sauce when it comes to achievement. If you don’t think you can do something, you definitely can’t; but if you do, well, you just might have what it takes.

I hope you love this reminder as much as I do.