Noticing at least three small things...

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”Marcus Aurelius

Halfway through the week!  Halfway to the weekend!

Why do I celebrate time passing fast?  Is a holiday weekend really SO valuable that I celebrate getting Monday-Friday out of the way quickly?

Even though I don't ever say, "I'm busy,"  I still walk at a pace that makes one wonder if there's a fire nearby.  I rush headlong into my daily tasks without giving much consideration to the little, pleasurable things in life.

Something's wrong with my approach.

Today needs to be different.  In fact, I've decided to pay attention and take pleasure in at least three categories of "small things"  I frequently overlook.

#1 - Small conveniences

Mermaid Guard
Mermaid Guard

I am a klutz.  If there's a slight elevation in the sidewalk, I'm the one who trips and stumbles.

Have you ever seen someone run into the corner of the wall (with their body!) because they cut the turn too tight?  No? Umm.  Me either.

To top off my lack of gracefulness, I'm a big spiller.

These facts make me happy Starbucks has "bump sticks" or, as I like to call them, " The Mermaid Guards."  Today, I will notice and appreciate the simple pleasure of having my tea stay in my cup and out of my cup holder!

Bravo to whoever thought of this idea.   Points for making life a tad more convenient!!

#2-  Small Luxuries

Herman Miller Chair
Herman Miller Chair

I have worked in the same space in Atlanta for almost 18 years, and recently I  acquired my SECOND chair of my tenure in the office.

I thought sitting in an uncomfortable chair was one of my job requirements.  I didn't realize what a HUGE change a nice seat could make in my attitude.

I had no idea the difference having a happy derriere would make in my life. I vow to appreciate my desk chair every single working day!

To Herman Miller, and the many designers, artists, and engineers who bring small luxuries to daily life, your efforts are noticed.  Thank you!!

#3  Small Gestures

Red vines
Red vines

These days you can set your watch by my blood sugar levels.  Most days when 3:00 PM hits, I am tired and more than a little "hangry."

Normal people plan for eventualities like this by keeping snacks handy, but I staunchly refuse to bring junk food into the office.  This "no junk food" strategy is a morning decision.  When I leave my house, which is when I would grab said junk food, I'm still optimistic about eating healthy, and so I don't take anything with me.

However, a couple hours after lunch, I regret my pigheadedness immensely.  I try to power through and hope no one notices my snippy OR sleepy remarks, but, to be candid, the entire situation is a little ugly.

Fortunately, I work with a friend who knows my afternoon pattern, and, even though she only works in the morning, she leaves an emergency stash of red vines behind for me to eat!

The value of this small gesture is not to be overlooked.  And so to Bobbi, who gives me sugar with Red Dye 40 - Thanks!

In fact, to all of those people who do small things which make life more convenient, more luxurious, and more thoughtful, you are valued, noticed, and appreciated.

What small things can you notice today?

In case you need ideas, check out this short video; a beautiful appreciation of life's little pleasures.