Enjoying Today's Season

"How was your summer?" I know. For all practical purposes, summer's been over since the kids went back to school. Still, I ask people I haven't seen since June this opening question.

More than once - three times to be exact - the reply has been something to the effect of "meh." Apparently summer is too hot, too unstructured, and has far too little football for the taste of many people.

I get it. Really, I do.


I put football on TV at the first kick-off as a comforting backdrop noise reminding me that fall is indeed coming.

Apple pie season is around the corner. I can let my pedicure go VERY soon. Brussels Sprouts are going to be cheap.Fireplaces, blankets, and soup will join the daily routine.

The summer sun will soften to a more gentle light, and if we can get out of 90 degree weather, life will be grand! The anticipation is palpable.

If I'm not careful, I can look and long for what's next and inadvertently look past what's now. I can idealize what's coming up and forfeit the enjoyment of today.

And, we all know every season comes with challenges.

Back to school routines are no joke. Winter is, for the non-California dwelling among us, gray and icky. Spring is a Claritin-filled fog. Summer is -- well, we've covered that.

Anticipation is best when it's lightly sprinkled into a day; when it tilts us forward and makes us aware of opportunities and hope. However, today has joys and treasures, lessons and learnings for us. Being present is always a good option.

Yes, fall is happy. Treasure it.  Still, I hope you were able to enjoy summer as well!

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