Celebrating the Win


There's a principle about human behavior which says, "what's celebrated is repeated," and I know this is true for me. When I know the "win" and when I actually feel an accomplishment, I REALLY want a victory lap. I want some encouragement to continue on.

I'm not saying there has to be a huge celebration, (a smiling face at breakfast works!),  but nothing kills an accomplishment faster than a blah response.

People don't have to throw a parade, but a little acknowledgement can go a LONG way.  When the celebration doesn't happen, most of the time it's because the "win" isn't noticed.

For instance, last night we had friends over for dinner and at the end of the meal my daughter picked up everyone's dishes and put them in the dishwasher. The gesture happened after she was bored with the conversation, but I didn't think much about it.

Later, when she was in bed, our guests commented on how nice it was for her to handle the clean up.

Hmmm.  I'm not even sure I said thank you.

I certainly didn't do anything to ensure the behavior would be repeated. My mistake is really in noticing.

How well do you celebrate the wins of people you work or live with?  Think about the opportunities you have to honor those around you and SAY SOMETHING nice about what you see.

Thank the barista for remembering your drink.

Tell your colleague you appreciate their insights.

Let you spouse know you notice how well they care for you.

Tell your child you appreciate their thoughtfulness in clearing the dinner dishes.  (Better late than never, right?)

Well, that last one maybe a little too specific, but you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Find opportunities to notice people around you, affirming their victories, no matter how small.   Take every opportunity to celebrate them.