Two Years & Counting


Two years ago today I launched this blog. Seth Godin and Tom Peters told me it would change my life.  They were right.

Cathy Fogler encouraged me to buy a domain name during dinner one night, so I consider Denver the birth spot of this venture.

Billy believed in me. Without hesitation or question. He always believes in me.

Daley Hake shot my cover picture (and the one in today's post). He's some kind of miracle worker that one.  Talent beyond compare.

Tripp Crosby pulled together the Wordpress site.  This makes me laugh in the silent kinda way.

And then I wrote. And wrote. And wrote some more.

I didn't tell anyone that I was writing for 60 days because I wasn't sure I'd last.

I made a commitment to push publish every day for at least year one as an act of courage.  I wasn't sure I'd have enough to say for a week, let alone a year, but after 365 days, I re-upped for another 365.

What fun I've had!

I couldn't continue unless I had my mom copy editing for me and my family supporting the constant writing, photo taking, idea crafting.

Blogging is like having a puppy; there's a ton of work and a bunch of joy.

Thanks for reading along.  See you back here tomorrow for year three!